The department aims to educate people who deeply involve themselves with the societies and cultures around them, as well as learn how to act appropriately and responsibly in these situations by having them apply the knowledge learned from their studies of culture, society, and history.
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Todayʼs increasingly international society requires an outlook that is global in scope. At the same time, it is essential to be able to drill down and understand things in a regional context. The Department of Society and Culture takes the large space that is both society and culture as its area of study and explores how society is changing today.
In addition to sociology, we employ methodologies from a wide range of disciplines like philosophy, cultural history, cultural anthropology, politics, archeology, and history. The curriculum consists of three core disciplines that allow students to gain a deeper,systematic focus. One of the unique features of our program is that students can enroll in specialist courses from an early point in their academic career. Aiming to give students the ability to assess problems, think critically, and put solutions into action,we go beyond theory and emphasize on-site surveys and fieldwork.